Take a dip in our natural swimming pool (no damaging chemicals) or laze around the gardens. Host a team-building event (or simply a pool-party) in this unique water environment, surrounded by abundant plant life which acts as a natural filter to the pool which can accommodate up to 20 people at a time.
Benefits of a Natural Pool:
Water Quality Although it is difficult to describe in words the feeling of swimming in a natural swimming pool, the closest one can come is perhaps “delicious”. The feeling is more like flying through silk than swimming. No burning eyes, dry hair, itchy skin. No chemicals or additives, only pure, clean, natural water infused with healing energy. You can drink as you swim. Natural pools like ours have been analysed and found to be better than municipal drinking water. The water is so pure that it can be piped into the kitchen.
Health Natural pools are nurturing, healing and energizing – as opposed to traditional pool products which have been linked to cancer, allergies, asthma and immune stress. The aquatic ecosystem also ionizes pollution and allergens.
Year-Round Enjoyment The swimming season is extended as the shallow aquatic garden acts as a natural solar heater. Every day of the year, you will be treated to an exquisite, tranquil, ever-changing aqua-scape full of flowers, dragon flies, frogs and birds.